很久以来,我一直梦想拥有一台做Espress 咖啡的机器,每次逛街,我都要去厨房用品店的家电部看看,可是我从来没有看中一台,不是嫌它们太大,太贵就是嫌它们操作太复杂。三四年前曾对Nespresso新推出的那台微型Espress机器很感兴趣,但是对它只能用该公司的咖啡胶囊来做咖啡感到有种种不便。首先,这种咖啡胶囊是被该公司所垄断的,一但买了它的机器,就等于是向它签了“卖身契”,今后买咖啡非它莫许。还有,这种胶囊只能在该公司的网上订购,消费起来极其不便,因此,思前想后,还是没买。
今冬在法国巴黎旅行时,见一友人家有一台Nespresso机器,大喜。问,机器如何?咖啡还好喝吗?没想到友人大赞此机器,说,机器不仅操作方便,没有任何清洁工作要做,同时,那种胶囊式包装咖啡是最科学的,它可以保持咖啡的新鲜度和香味。那天喝了朋友为我做的Nespresso 咖啡后,果然如其所说,我决定也买一台。
机器买回来的那天,我的心情特别的好。打开盒子,里面除了小巧玲珑的机器外,还有几盒咖啡胶囊和一本咖啡色封面的书,书的封面上写着 :Introduction to the Art of Espresso ( 艺术咖啡入门)。
才读了第一章节“咖啡的原由( The Origins of coffee)”,我就被它吸引了。书上一开篇就告诉我们,咖啡是一种植物的果子,它有两种。一种叫“Arabica”是椭圆形,长在高的树上,它的苦味低,酸度大,香气浓;另一种叫“Robusta”, 它的豆形圆,长在矮的灌木中,苦味大,咖啡因成分高。。。。读到这,我象哥伦布发现新大陆一样,兴奋起来,多年来的一个大疑问,终于获解了。
记得很多年前,我同妹妹在巴黎旅行。巴黎是艺术之都,同时还是“泡”咖啡馆的圣地。我们拿着旅游书,踏着海明威,雨果,列宁,毕加索等足迹,我们“泡”了Les Deux Magots, Café de Flore, Le Procope 和 La Closerie des Lilas等等许多有名的咖啡馆。 在回国前,我同妹妹商量,决定买一些欧洲做的咖啡豆,带回去送给亲朋好友。
直到今天,看了这本书后,我才恍然大悟,原来Arabica不是Arabic。前者是相对另一种叫Robusta咖啡豆而言,是一种长在南美,和非洲的咖啡豆 ,后者是指阿拉伯地区。一字之差,意义完全不同,我笑自己粗心大意,望文生意,对咖啡的来源一知半解了那么多年。
Coffea arabica (pronounced /əˈræbɪkə/) is a species of coffee indigenous to Ethiopia and Yemen
History and legend:
According to legend, human cultivation of coffee began after goats in Ethiopia were seen becoming frisky after eating the leaves and fruits of the coffee tree. In reality, human consumption of coffee fruits probably began long before humans took up pastoralism. In Ethiopia there are still some locales where people drink a tisane made from the leaves of the coffee tree.
In fact coffee was not discovered until around 600AD in the Middle East. The Arab innovation of making a brew from roasted beans, spread first among the Egyptians and Turks and later on found its way around the world.
Arabica 咖啡豆比 canephora the latter of which is more commonly known as Coffea robusta 高级。因为阿拉伯咖啡 prefers higher elevations and drier climates than its cousin C. robusta. Ideal conditions for growing Arabica Coffee which grows best between 3,000 and 6,500 feet but has been grown as high as 9,000 feet. Generally, the higher the plant is grown the slower it matures, 要 7 year growing process to grow fully . This gives it time to develop the internal elements and oils that give coffee its aromatic flavor.
阿拉伯咖啡 contains less caffeine
The World's Most Expensive Coffee is From Beans Cycled Through an Indonesian Monkey's Digestive System-Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
Kopi Luwak is a rare and gourmet coffee from Indonesia that is made from beans passed through the digestive system of monkeys.
The Truth:
Kopi Luwak does exist, is very expensive, and is made from coffee beans passed through the digestive system of an Indonesian animal, but it's more like a cat than a monkey. According to a feature article by the Manila Coffee House, which sells the stuff, the people who harvest the digested beans don't really have to pick through cat litter to get it. The animal processes the beans and excretes them whole, unscratched, and without dung.
The animal is a palm civet, a dark brown tree-dwelling cat-like creature found throughout Southeast Asia. The scientific name is paradoxurus hermaphroditus.
According to the Manila Coffee House, the palm civet just happens to like to ingest the ripest and reddest coffee beans, which also happen to be the ones best for brewing. The cat eats the outer covering of the beans in the same way that is accomplished by de-pulping machines. Something happens to the beans in the journey through the cat's intestines that gives it a flavor that is celebrated by coffee drinkers.
At this point, most of the beans are purchased by Japanese buyers
oh my god. 没想到, 墨镜女郎的研究如此深奥。看来了咖啡是个大题呢。什么时候来我这,我们一边喝“阿拉伯”咖啡,一边好好研讨一番呢?
Since I am coffee lover, here is what I found interesting
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